Find Employment or Career Change via Professional Networking

Learn how to network at functions, events and in online networks to find new job opportunities, get noticed and hired.

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Find Employment or Career Change via Professional Networking

What You Will Learn!

  • How to use in-person and online networks to find a new job or career move
  • How to become great at networking so that job opportunities come to you
  • Learn and practice to become a great professional networker in general
  • How to craft an elevator pitch for job seekers
  • Following-up with people who can help you find a next career step
  • How to avoid common pitfalls when networking
  • How to get a noticed for potential jobs even when there are no vacancies
  • Expand your professional network with influential people who can help you


Finding a new job or opportunities for career change can be done in many different ways. Expanding and using your personal network proves to be a goldmine for new opportunities if you know how to do it well.

The course focusses on how to expand your network and utilize your new contacts to help you in your job search or career change, without being pushy or needy. People love to help if it feels like win-win, but don't like to be 'used' for someone else's career advancement, so approaching your career goals in the right way will substantially help your chances of success. The course also covers why some people don't like networking and how you can overcome discomfort talking to strangers or highly influential people.

Many jobs are not publicly advertised, and by using your networking skills you can tap into the hidden market of potential jobs people in your network know about, and opportunities for you to step into a new career path.

The course offers networking skills, tips and insights both for in-person events, functions and corporate parties, as well as online networks such as LinkedIn.

The course provides insights and practical exercises you can immediately use to take a next step with your Job Search or Career Change.

Who Should Attend!

  • People looking for a new job or wanting to make a career change
  • People wanting to improve their networking skills at functions and events
  • People looking to expand their professional networks in-person and online



  • Career Change
  • Personal Networking
  • Job Search
  • Personal Branding






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