Fire in the Belly, Write to be Read

How to Write Your Novel or Memoir with Purpose and Passion

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Fire in the Belly, Write to be Read

What You Will Learn!

  • Help you recognize and develop your own innate talents, which, over the course, you will see you have vastly underestimated.
  • Learn to integrate multiple Literary Devices, absorbing the advice of established authors and editors.
  • Learn to self-edit professionally, and understand the workings of the pubishing world.
  • Complete your novel or memoir in a passionate, professional, and persuasive manner, ready for publication.


"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you."  Zora Hurston

Fire in the Belly: Write to be Read.

You are the world’s leading authority on your novel or memoir, and you have vastly underestimated your ability to tell a good story.  Over 50 sessions, I arrest all the usual suspects (syntax, literary devices, plot, dialogue, publishing, etc.) but more importantly, together we’ll infuse your readers with the same passion and purpose that compelled you to write in the first place. Your words are the wings that lift a great story off the page. Other courses may walk you through how to write your story… but why walk when you’ve got wings?

This course is different from others because I am different; my peers in the field often refer to me as the anti-editor. While elites were sipping Chablis at Oxford, I popped open a beer with my orangutans in the jungles of Borneo, or paid a smuggler to get me across the Straits of Singapore at two in the morning, after the gunboats passed, or swam with the Gray Whales and sharks, or…

Hemingway said in order to write about life, you have to live life.

I can tell a good story because I’ve lived a good story, and I will help you to do the same. The adventure of your life within a failed or successful marriage can be every bit as intriguing and compelling as fending off pirates in the South China Sea.

What’s your story?  I’m listening.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for beginning writers undertaking for the first time the great campaign of writing a novel or memoir and for those who have written previously and are aware they could be more persuasive and engaging




