Learn flooring styles in interior design in 2 hours

Architectural flooring styles evolution in a simple visual way for interior designers practice

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Learn flooring styles in interior design in 2 hours

What You Will Learn!

  • learn in a simple visual image based way evolution of architectural styles and flooring
  • understand the core of how flooring styles and materials developed using different era's technologies
  • understand architectural styles features in order to be able to consult clients at a higher level (for interior designers)
  • learn the architectural styles characteristics, in order to be able to identify and implement them in design projects


This course is created in a simple visual image based way, so it doesn't have any requirements and it is available for anyone who wants to learn architectural styles history, flooring evolution and characteristics during time.

It is very useful for interior designers who want to increase their styles knowledge level and apply that further in their designer's practice and during client consultation.

Flooring, being a surface that cannot be omitted during any interior design project, must be applied acording to the architectural style that is used by the interior designer using client's preferences. In this course, flooring evolution through history is analyzed as the main subject along architectural styles, in order to understand the available era technology used to create and apply the flooring materials, as well as the shapes and charcacteristics that influenced how flooring developed along styles. By understanding the process of flooring evolution and creation, it's style features, we can understand the main idea how to choose and recommend to our clients the best certain choice for flooring materials in their interior design projects.

Although the course is based on architectural and interior design topics, it doesn't mean that it is created only for this types of activity. 

Who Should Attend!

  • anyone who wants to learn about architectural styles
  • interior designers



  • Interior Design
  • Architectural History






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