Forecast Hybrid Agile Projects and Manage with Confidence

Step-by-step guide on how to forecast the Delivery Date of Agile projects that have pre-defined requirements.

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Forecast Hybrid Agile Projects and Manage with Confidence

What You Will Learn!

  • How the provided spreadsheet enables you to forecast a project with a predefined set of requirements, without waiting for your team to estimate every task
  • How to easily import data from JIRA in the provided spreadsheet
  • How to use the provided spreadsheet to accurately forecast the delivery date of your project
  • How to plan even better by forecasting per sub-team


Agile is a great framework, but it is designed for projects without a specific scope. You are supposed to start working on the project with an overall idea of where you want to go and the specifics are discovered along the way.

The majority of projects though tend to be Hybrid Agile, in the sense that they have a waterfall approach with a predefined set of requirements, but still use Agile to manage the day-to-day processes.

Agile tools for forecasting projects, though, are not meant for Hybrid projects. They focus on forecasting epics or versions and assume that you have all the stories estimated in your backlog. In a Hybrid six-month project this is impossible since you cannot have your team estimate the whole project at once.

In this course, you will receive a spreadsheet that enables you to forecast a Hybrid Agile project as a whole (not just an epic) by using your Initial Offer (the initial break-down of the project in estimated features) as a reference. In this way, you don't have to estimate the whole project with your team, instead you use the team's estimates sprint after sprint to increase the accuracy of your forecast as the project progresses.

Once you complete the course, you will have a real tool in your hands that will enable you to get a fresh status of your project with a few clicks and with minor manual work, including a forecast of the completion time of the whole project.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone that uses Agile for projects with a predefined scope and delivery date, and needs to forecast the time of completion of the whole project, not only of any epic or a release.




