Bribery and corruption damages lives, reputations, and businesses. Yet in many countries, bribery is a regular--even accepted--business practice. The direct victims of bribery include businesses that lose out unfairly because of corrupt practices, and on a wider scale, governments and society as a whole.
This course takes an in-depth look at the causes of bribery and corruption, how to recognize red flags, and what companies should consider and include in their compliance programs to ensure that their international partners, agents, consultants, and subsidiaries comply with the rule of law.
This course covers:
If you would like Continuing Education Credit (e.g. CPE, CE, CPD, etc.) for this course, it is available if you take this course on the Illumeo dot com platform under course title: Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Compliance. Illumeo is certified to provide CPE in over two dozen different professional certifications covering finance, accounting, treasury, internal audit, HR, and more. However, in order to receive CPE credit the courses must be taken on an ‘approved-by-the-governing-body’ CPE platform, and for over two dozen corporate professional certifications, that is the Illumeo platform. Go to Illumeo dot com to learn more.