Foreign marketing

Marketing in todays global economy

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Foreign marketing

What You Will Learn!

  • To review the basic features and concepts of global marketing in today’s world
  • Analyze the situation in the European Union as a basis for understanding its consumers
  • Define and understand the concepts of information systems in global marketing
  • Recognize the need of accurate segmentation in global marketing.
  • Understand the different phases in most internationalization processes
  • Recognize the stages in our product's worldwide development
  • Understand the needs to design an efficient distribution channel plan
  • Investigate how to overcome the recurring liability of foreignness
  • To comprehend the primary distinctions between consumer and industrial marketing
  • Recognize how the organization forms the core of the program for expansion.


This course is intended for individuals to understand the various topics on researched analysis, Competitive analysis, Product pricing, Segmentation, Organization and leadership , Foreign entry modes, Industrial marketing, Channels & communication, info systems and research, Global customers.

The course looks at an overall view of marketing in general and covers the topics in detail about the geographic, demographic, behavioral, Psychographic, Beneficial culture and multi variable aspects.

Various advantage and disadvantages of each topic covered. It goes through various research done in different parts of the globe.

Real life scenarios in marketing. It covers broad range of statistics in various region on case studies as discussed. It also covers globalization in general.

Industries how they target the consumers and do proper communications, planning, HR and sales lead.

product decisions, pricing strategies globally. It will cover the 8 phases of a new product development and success factors.

Effective targeting as a necessary tool for any marketing strategy.

Strategically targeted positioning for our goods or services to support the marketing plan.

Company's advantages over competitors using a range of instruments. General plan of action based on the findings of the competitive analysis.

Their is Case studies at the end of every lesson that has to be completed.

Who Should Attend!

  • entrepreneur who will want to explore foreign markets




