This online course is based on a Danish outdoor education program with evidence from Scandinavia and the rest of the world.
Here you can learn about nature´s impact on child development, brain development and all the benefits nature and being outdoors provides.
The course evolves around the importance of nature as a healthy and stimulating environment for children's development. Nature has a unique potential as a platform for children to grow and experiment in. The course emphasises the immanent curiosity of the child and its natural need for movement and how we can optimise the conditions for children's development outdoors. It demonstrates how being outdoors with children, lends itself to creating educational environments, where there is specific focus on language and motor skills development. The possibility of both risky play and sensuous stimulation that nature provides for us, supports the health-promoting pedagogical foundation that is necessary for the healthy development of the child.
Furthermore this online education is a practical source of inspiration for school programs, teachers and families. Get more aware of nature. Be inspired to create your own nature-based environment. And learn how to bring nature to the child, if you live in the city.
We will go through 8 modules covering everything you need to know!