Freelance Masterclass 101

Become a Freelance Copywriter

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Freelance Masterclass 101

What You Will Learn!

  • how to become a freelance copywriter


Copywriter Duties & Responsibilities

A copywriter may not be in the spotlight or very glamorous, and it's rare for work to become a household phrase, but the role is an important one that makes a large impact on the image and reputation of a company or brand. The job duties of copywriters include task such as the following:

  • Write social media content: Copywriters must produce content that shows or reflects the client's brand or voice.

  • Collaborate: Copywriters work with many people from PR, marketing, and customer service.

  • Produce error-free content: Content must be high-quality and in adherence to the company's style guide.

  • Interpret creative direction: Adapt the points from a creative brief into the persuasive copy.

  • Manage multiple projects: Juggle multiple projects, typically with short deadlines.

STEP 1.) You gotta know WHAT copywriting is at the core:

Copywriting is essentially moving words around to sell better.

Let’s say I work for a company that has a webpage which gets 1 out of 500 visitors to buy something.

If I was a copywriter, I would figure out how to make 1 out of 100 of those people buy. This means 5x more sales from the SAME webpage!

A good copywriter will understand how to do this with their words, and also how to re-arrange pictures and buttons to get more sales.

A good copywriter is not just a writer. They are a keen studier of the human psychology behind purchase decisions!

STEP 2.) Understand WHY people hire copywriters:

Think of the huge amount of content a lot of companies have to put out.

A single insurance company will have to put out all this stuff:

  • Ads on TV

  • Ads on the internet

  • Ads on radio

  • Brochures for B2C sales

  • Brochures for B2B sales

  • Brochures for every different product

  • Forms to fill out

  • Forms to fill out for various different product lines

  • Google ads

  • Facebook ads

  • Update their Twitter

  • Update their Facebook page

  • Make content for their website

  • Make the content for their website about each different product

  • Make sure their content is converting

  • Make sure customers understand how to signup

  • Send customers packets explaining their policy

  • Have scripts for their sales people to follow

  • Have scripts for their customer support people to follow

  • Write press releases

Who Should Attend!

  • People who want to get into advertising



  • Copywriting






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