From Peer to Manager: Skills for New Managers Masterclass

Learn how to transition from individual contributor to Manager and Leader with confidence!

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From Peer to Manager:  Skills for New Managers Masterclass

What You Will Learn!

  • Welcome to your career in management. But most important…Welcome to leadership. Even for the most gifted individuals, the process of becoming a leader is a rigorous and many times an exhausting journey. The rewards, however, can be enormous. I surveyed a group of managers across many disciplines and asked the question, “As a new manager, what do you wish you learned early in your career?” What follows in this course, is a result of the responses, as well as my personal experience coaching and mentoring new managers. I will open this course by asking you to be patient with yourself. You do not develop leadership skills overnight. It takes practice, it takes trying new things, it takes making mistakes. Yes, sometimes you will fail. That is ok. It is ok to acknowledge when something doesn’t work, it is ok to celebrate and build on your successes. I have broken this course into individual modules. These are small bite sized modules that you can view either one after the other, or one at a time as you drink your morning coffee. Feel free to jump around and view the modules that are of the most importance to you. Take what works, challenge what doesn’t, try new things. I’m excited to join you in this journey. It’s time to think about success. Let’s Get Started.


Welcome to your career in management.  But most important…Welcome to leadership. 

Why did you make this big move? 

  • To grow personally and professionally? 

  • To make a difference? 

  • To lead others to realize their success? 

  • All of the above?

  • All this, and more! 

Even for the most gifted individuals, the process of becoming a leader is a rigorous and many times an exhausting journey.  The rewards, however, can be enormous.  I surveyed a group of managers across many disciplines and asked the question, “As a new manager, what do you wish you learned early in your career?”  What follows in this course, is a result of the responses, as well as my personal experience coaching and mentoring new managers.   

I will begin by asking you to be patient with yourself.  You do not develop leadership skills overnight.  It takes practice, it takes trying new things, it takes making mistakes.    Yes, sometimes you will fail.  That is ok.  It is ok to acknowledge when something doesn’t work, it is ok to celebrate and build on your successes.   

I have broken this course into individual modules.  These are small bite sized modules that you can view either one after the other, or one at a time as you drink your morning coffee.  Feel free to jump around and view the modules that are of the most importance to you.  Take what works, challenge what doesn’t, try new things. 

The Chapters include: 

  • Introduction to Management

  • Developing Your Leadership Style 

  • Leadership Responsibilities

  • Leadership Communication

  • Team Development

  • Your Growth and Development

  • Managers Toolkit

I’m excited to join you in this journey.  

It’s time to think about success.  Let’s Get Started. 

Who Should Attend!

  • You were an individual contributor, and just received your promotion to lead a team. Or perhaps you joined a new company and accepted the challenge of leadership to grow your personal and professional career. Congratulations! You are in the right place!



  • Manager Training






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