Full-Stack Brilliance MIHAB : MEAN Stack+ Ionic App

Build Dynamic Application: MEAN and Ionic Mastery

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Full-Stack Brilliance  MIHAB : MEAN Stack+ Ionic App

What You Will Learn!

  • Build a robust Mobile application by mastering MEAN Stack and Ionic , and discover how create a beautiful and responsive user interfaces.
  • By the end of this course, you will have a portfolio-worthy project that showcases your skills.
  • Harness the power of Socket io to implement real-time features, Explore the integration of Google Maps.
  • This course is not just a theory, it's a full practise course where you build a complete project from scratch.
  • The skills in this course are high demand in the job market , whether you're looking to start a career in web and mobile app.
  • Master frontend with Angular
  • Master backend with Node js.
  • Gain insights into industry best practices, debugging techniques, and problem solving.


I'm Taki Jemai, a seasoned full-stack developer, bringing my expertise to guide you through the creation of Ionic Angular + NodeJS Applications. As a distinguished instructor with a proven track record on Udemy and the 'Academind' YouTube channel, I'm excited to lead you on this hands-on journey.

This course is meticulously crafted around one comprehensive application, allowing you to grasp concepts in a practical and detailed manner. Here's what you'll learn:

  • Set up a NodeJS + Express + MongoDB + Angular Application effortlessly using the Angular CLI

  • Optimize NodeJS and Express for efficient backend development

  • Construct reusable Components in Angular for a reactive User Experience

  • Establish seamless communication between your NodeJS backend and Angular App with Angular’s HttpClient service

  • Design and implement robust endpoints on your Backend for Frontend consumption

  • Implement advanced features like file upload and pagination

  • Enhance Application security with User Authentication and Authorization

  • Gracefully handle Errors in your application

  • Using Socket io for sending and receiving messages

This course transcends traditional boundaries, providing you with the skills and confidence necessary to excel in the dynamic realm of full-stack development. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, join me on this transformative journey to elevate your coding capabilities. Enlist now to shape the future of web and mobile development with expertise and creativity. Let's code towards mastery together

Who Should Attend!

  • If you're new to web and mobile app develpoment but have a strong desire to learn and create, this course is perfect for you.
  • Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking to kickstart your own startup? this course provides the essential skills to turn your ideas into functional projects.
  • Seasoned programmers seeking to stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and frameworks, will find this course valuable.
  • If you prefer to take a single course that covers a wide range of web and mobile develpoment, then this course offers all-in-one soltuion.




