Fundamental Of Arithmetic Processes.

Numbers And Numerations.

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Fundamental Of Arithmetic Processes.

What You Will Learn!

  • Our enlisted students will be able to identify different type of numbers and be able to recognize number digit placement format.
  • He or She will be able to perform arithmetic operations: Adding , subtracting, dividing, multiplying and others to different number types.
  • Identify and solve probelms arising from factors, common factors, lowest common factors and highest common factors of a given set of numbers.
  • Identify and solve problems involving simplifications,expansions and brackect operations.
  • Perform divisibility of numbers involving rules applicable to divisibility of numbers from 1 to 10.
  • Identify word problem types and solve problems arising from them.


This course includes decimal number placement system operation , some different type of numbers we have with clear explanations and examples (whole numbers, positive and negative integer numbers, rational and irrational numbers, decimal numbers , directed numbers , fractional numbers, prime numbers , natural and real numbers) , how to find factors of number(s) , common factors of a given set of numbers, multiples of a number(s) , how to solve for the lowest common multiples of a set of numbers, the highest common factor of a set of numbers , how to find percentage of number(s), ratio and proportion. It, also, covers areas on how to perform arithmetic operations on these different type of numbers (addition operation between decimal and fraction or other type of numbers , subtraction operation between improper fraction and whole number or other type of numbers , division between rational number and natural number or other type of numbers, multiplication between real number and fraction or other type of numbers and order between  fractional number and positive integer or other type of numbers) , how to convert numbers into standard form (it includes all type of numbers) , rounding numbers (this is in lecture two of the main course which explain, with example, how to perform rounding up and rounding down numbers) , word problems leading to arithmetic expression are in the course with multiple examples to buttress the understanding of the basic arithmetic processes in which numbers and numeration formed the pillar of the course. There are other areas in the main course which include simplification, expansion and bracket operations of arithmetic processes. Also, rules for divisibility from one to ten are given with illustrations. This will help student to perform division operation as easy as possible.

Who Should Attend!

  • Mathematics Students, teachers and researchers.
  • Anyone that want to improve in fundamental of arithmetic processes.
  • All level of study.




