Manage change instead of change managing you!

Lead, transform and inspire with a proven change acceleration process

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Manage change instead of change managing you!

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to use the change acceleration process as a model for change leadership
  • Transition an entire organization from a current state to a future state to sustain effective change
  • Utilize employee engagement to combat resistance to change
  • Utilize tools such as the Attitude chart and Force Field Analysis to assure long lasting project completion and implementation


In this course, you will learn how to use the Change Acceleration Process (CAP) as a model for change leadership.

This model focuses on:

  • Employee engagement

  • Flexibility and non-linearity used throughout change

  • Strategic thinking used to influence

  • Facilitating commitment and behavioral change through team dialogue and action

  • A toolkit and process to facilitate discussions

By taking this course, you will discover how to change a current state to a future state by using the change acceleration process model to sustain effective change. You will walk through the following lessons:

  1. Leading change

  2. Creating a shared need

  3. Shaping a vision

  4. Mobilizing commitment

  5. Making change last

  6. Monitoring progress

  7. Systems and structures

Upon completing this course, you will be equipped with the tools to transition an entire organization from the current to the future state. You will be able to use this knowledge to combat resistance to change and assure long-lasting project completion & implementation. You will gain access to several tools and examples to help lead the change and reduce the threat of resistance.

Some of the tools that you will be introduced to include:

  • In vs Out box

  • Project Charter

  • Threat vs Opportunity Matrix

  • Backwards Imaging

  • More of/Less of Chart

  • Attitude Chart

  • Force field Analysis

  • Behavioral Analysis

  • Profile on Change

Who Should Attend!

  • Those who want to learn how to lead individuals, teams and organizations through long lasting, organizational change




