Fundamentals of Solid-State Physics

An Introduction

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Fundamentals of Solid-State Physics

What You Will Learn!

  • Unit Cells
  • Diffraction in crystals
  • Diffraction Mechanism
  • Lattice Dynamics


Welcome to Fundamentals of Solid State Physics! In this course, we will cover key concepts and theories related to the atomic and microscopic structure of solid materials. Understanding the fundamentals of how atoms arrange themselves into orderly crystals and the interactions between the atomic components of solids is crucial for explaining the physical properties of materials.

The course will begin with an examination of unit cells, the basic repeating units of the crystal lattice that determine the symmetry and structure of crystalline solids. We will study the geometry of simple cubic, body-centered cubic, face-centered cubic, and hexagonal close-packed unit cells. A grasp of unit cells lays the groundwork for understanding more complex crystal structures.

Next, we will explore the mechanism of x-ray diffraction in crystals. When x-rays interact with the orderly arrangement of atoms in a crystal, a definite diffraction pattern is produced. Analysis of these interference patterns allows us to determine the crystal structure. Diffraction provides an invaluable tool for probing materials at the atomic level.

Finally, the course will cover specific heat capacity and how it varies with temperature in crystalline solids. The way that heat is stored in solids depends directly on the quantized vibrations of the crystal lattice called phonons. Specific heat provides deep insights into the quantum nature of solids.

Through this survey of fundamentals of crystal structures, diffraction, and specific heat, students will gain an appreciation for how the microscopic atomic world defines the behavior of solids at the macroscopic scale. The knowledge gained serves as a robust platform for advanced studies in solid state physics and materials science.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner in Solid-State Physics




