General Psychology

General psychology study of the mind.

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General Psychology

What You Will Learn!

  • Understanding the Mind.
  • The Power of Perception.
  • Uncovering the Motives Behind Human Actions.
  • breaking the Secrets of the Human Mind
  • Mapping the Relationship between Brain and Behavior.


The subject matter of general psychology concerns itself with studying the mind. That includes his/her cognition, perception, behavior and emotion. Psychology has come in existence  when people started to think about other people.  It separated itself from regular medicine in the 1800s.

Psychology has four major areas: clinical psychology (deals with counseling for mental and behavioral health), cognitive psychology (the deals with study of the mental processes), behavioral psychology (understanding  behavior under  different types of conditioning and environment), and biopsychology ( that deals with research on the brain, behavior, and evolution.

Psychology was  distinguished by Wundt, as a science from philosophy and biology, was the first person ever to call himself a psychologist , widely regarded as the "father of experimental psychology". In 1879, at the University of Leipzig, Wundt founded the first formal laboratory for psychological research.

Psychology casts  light on human behavior and helps us understand in a judicious way , why we act the way we do. The field offers insights into our human experiences, helps us connect with others, and can mean the difference between a life well-lived and a life of challenges.

Hence , it is a systematic method of study man's behavior that entitles Psychology to be called a science.

Who Should Attend!

  • for students who are exploring Career Options Psychology courses can be valuable asset for them .This course will provide foundational knowledge and insights into the human mind and behavior, which can be applicable to various fields such as counseling, social work, human resources, education, and research. Besides this Healthcare Professionals can take advantage of this course/s can be also beneficial for other professionals, including nurses, doctors, and therapists. Understanding the subject matter of psychology helps them to gain insights into patient behavior, mental health conditions, and effective communication techniques. Teachers and educators can benefit from psychology courses to better understand the cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of learning. This knowledge can be helpful in designing effective teaching strategies and creating a positive classroom environment. Psychology courses can be also useful for individuals working in business and management roles to understand human behavior, motivation, decision-making, and group dynamics that can enhance leadership skills, customer relations, and team management. Individuals Seeking Personal Growth.




