Unit-I: Curves: Classification, degree of curve, elements of circular and compound curves, theory and methods of setting out simple curves, Instrumental method of setting out compound curves.
Unit-II: Triangulation: principles, classification of triangulation system, triangulation figures, their choice of station, phase of signals, towers, satellite station, reduction to center, field work, reconnaissance, Inter-visibility, angular measurements. Basenet, extension of Basenet.
Unit-III: Hydrographic surveying: necessity, controls, shore line surveys, gauges, sounding equipment’s and procedure of taking soundings, methods of location of sounding, three-point problem in hydrographic surveying, analytical and graphical methods. Underground Surveying: surface alignment, correlation of surface and underground surveys; Weisbach triangle, transferring levels and alignment underground.
Unit-IV: Elements of photogrammetry: Basic definitions, terrestrial and aerial photography, scale of vertical photograph, Relief and relief displacements, heights from parallel measurements, flight planning, photographs required.
Unit-V:1.Remote sensing: Introduction, definitions, remote sensing systems, advantages over conventional system, energy interaction in the atmosphere, Indian remote sensing satellite series and their characteristics 2. GPS: Global positioning system (GPS) introduction, definitions, GPS receivers, antenna, advantages of GPS.
Unit-VI: 1. Geographical Information System: Definition and history, Components of GIS, Data structure and formats, Spatial data models – Raster and vector, Data base design- editing and topology creation in GIS, Linkage between spatial and non-spatial data, Introduction to QGIS software. 2. GIS application: Application in Geological Investigations, water resources management, environmental studies, EIA based studies, Land use planning, soil studies and transportation planning.
Unit-VII: Tacheometry: Stadia methods, fixed hair and movable hair and tangential method, formulae for distance and reduce level determination. Theory of analytic lens, Beaman’s stadia arc, Auto reduction tacheometer such as Jeffcot Hammer fennel.