Goal Setting for Personal Development & Emotional Wellness

The Benefits of Mentorship, Goal Setting, Emotional Well being and Healthy relationships

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Goal Setting for Personal Development & Emotional Wellness

What You Will Learn!

  • The benefits of personal development
  • Goal setting
  • Mentorship
  • Emotional well being and personal hygiene
  • Communication skills
  • Improving Relationships
  • Gaining support from others


Begin your personal development journey today. Learn about the importance of Goal Setting.

This course will assist you in laying out your personal development goals in order for you to move forward with your personal development plan, with ease. The course will highlight some of the key personal development areas that are necessary for your success!

You will learn about the benefits of personal development and the importance of embracing the necessary aspects of personal development.

Regarding mentorship, the course seeks to empower you so that you can know the meaning of mentorship and understand the importance of mentorship in your journey. Learn and explore all the relevant mentorship best practices, as you craft out your own mentorship program.

The course will help you to discover some of the necessary mentorship activities that you need to embark on. Learn about the benefits of mentorship, as you go through the course’s mentorship discussion topics.

You will also learn how to describe your family relationships and the role that these could play in your personal development journey. You will learn about your role in strengthening family relationships and about the benefits of investing in healthy relationships.

Even though the popular narrative states that relationships are hard work, you will learn in this course that relationships change over time and that relationships require communication!

Increase your communication competence. Learn about the types of communication practices that are likely to cause barriers in communication.

This personal development journey will bring you to a place of growth.  You will move forward with improved communication skills that will assist you as you learn about the importance of effective communication in your relationships.

You will be in a position to define emotional well being and embrace its benefits.

You will get skills on how to improve emotional well being in order for you to approach your personal development journey holistically.

This course will enable you to see emotional well being at work, as different activities to support emotional well being have been suggested and laid out.

Finally! You will learn about the importance of personal hygiene. You will get an understanding as to why personal hygiene is important as part of your personal development journey!

You will be encouraged to explore personal hygiene activities that will enable you to see the advantages of personal hygiene. Lastly, as you do your assignment on personal hygiene, you will be challenged about some of the basic things that you’ve learnt even in your childhood stages!

As part of your Personal Development Journey, embrace these lessons and see how they will benefit you!

See how these can affect your personal development and growth.

Who Should Attend!

  • Mid Career Learners
  • Life Coach
  • Individuals seeking advancement




