In this course I'm doing the very same I've been doing for the past 6 years: Analysis, design and development of high-performance microservices in Go.
This is not an introduction to Go's concepts, you have free resources for that like the Go Tour (I strongly suggest you to take it!). This is real-life and industry experience revealed in 13+ hours of video and resources that you will not easily find online.
We will cover everything you need:
Native web server.
HTTP frameworks.
Package organization.
MVC pattern.
Interfaces: How to design and implement them.
Dealing with dates.
Unit, Integration and Functional testing.
Mocking different artifacts of your application.
Consuming external APIs.
Mocking external APIs responses
Different concurrency designs based on each requirement.
Parallelism when we have multi-core VMs.
Stress-test our applications
Metrics, logging, debugging, profiling.
And a lots of more... EVERYTHING you need to work with this amazing technology.