The three main credit rating systems in India, is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), and the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) rating system, the Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment (GRIHA). In addition, the Building Code of the Consumption of energy (ECBC), and the National building code (NBC) is available, which contains the rules on the use of energy.
A green building assessment system is the basis of a technical tool that assess a building's performance and its impact on the environment. What are some of the criteria, a number of requirements, design, construction, and operation of green buildings. It is mandatory for all the buildings, in India, in order to stay within the guidelines.
The GRIHA, or Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment, is designed by TERI, and has been adopted by the Government of india in the year 2007. It is a high-quality tool, which evaluates a building's performance of the national, the acceptable criteria. It is to understand both the qualitative and quantitative assessment and, consequently, to evaluate the building energy efficiency.
LEED, or Leadership on the line in Energy and Environmental Design, is a world-renowned certification, the rating of the green building industry. The goal is to provide the essential energy-efficient buildings, taking into account the comfort of the occupants as well as energy savings. Glass, by its soothing green can be an important aspect in order to receive a LEED rating of a building.