Growing online community with volunteer’s help

Practical Community Management

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Growing online community with volunteer’s help

What You Will Learn!

  • How communities grow
  • Which initiatives lead to growth and which don’t
  • How to write initiative proposals that activates users
  • How to get volunteers to do what the community needs
  • What to pay attention to make your proposals persuasive
  • How to get volunteers to organize proactive groups
  • How to enable volunteers to become the leaders of the community
  • How to use goal setting to guide the community to fulfill its mission
  • How to refine the help center of a community as the community grows


Any social system has only two states. It either grows or dies. If you do not work on growing your community, it will begin to stagnate and then degrade. Running initiatives aimed at growth is the only way to keep a community healthy.

In this course, we discuss how to properly create community goals and approach creating initiatives to achieve those goals, how to communicate with the community to keep users active, and how to update community rules to support the growth.

In the beginning of the course we do a quick recap of the essentials of online community management and how to reach a critical mass of users in an online community. Then we are going to deep dive into the following topics:

  • How communities grow

  • Which initiatives lead to growth and which don’t

  • How to write initiative proposals that activates users

  • How to get volunteers to do what the community needs

  • What to pay attention to make your proposals persuasive

  • How to get volunteers to organize proactive groups

  • How to enable volunteers to become the leaders of the community

  • What software one needs to be able scale a community

  • How to use goal setting to guide the community to fulfill its mission

  • How to refine the help center of a community as the community grows

If you have a working community and your primary goal is to make it grow, this course is for you.

Who Should Attend!

  • This learning series is designed for community practitioners of all sorts, starting from community volunteers and up to executives, who are involved in building and running communities on a daily basis and would like to understand the core principle of how online communities work.




