Global Supply Chain & Inventory Pro: Master Certification

Optimizing Worldwide Operations: Mastering Global Supply Chain & Inventory Management & Leading like a Pro

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Global Supply Chain & Inventory Pro: Master Certification

What You Will Learn!

  • Deep understanding of the each business function viz. Operations, demand planning, supply planning, inventory, warehousing, purchasing & logistics
  • Introduction to business operations, Transformation Process, Operations in manufacturing, Service & retail organizations.
  • What is Demand and Supply, What is key difference? Who are responsible to plan demand and supply? and related examples.
  • Obstacles when demand and supply are imbalanced.
  • Introduction to Supply Chain, Different flows in Supply Chain.
  • Evolution of Supply Chain (From 1913's assembly line till now and way ahead)
  • Insights of Supply Chain with respect to SCOR (Supply Chain Operational Reference) model
  • What is value Chain and how it is interlinked with Supply Chain. Difference between Value Chain & Supply Chain
  • What are job roles & responsibilities in Supply Chain function
  • Supply Chain Flow with sequence of activities in the entire flow.
  • Understand SCOR Model, Its Characteristics, Details about all processes in SCOR Model, Benefits of SCOR Model, KPI"s that are recommended in SCOR Model.
  • Thoroughly understand what is demand Planning? Quick glance on difference between demand & sales.
  • Thoroughly understand what are major determinants of demand in the market / What factors influence the demand of product or services
  • Learn about Why demand planning, What are the benefits of demand planning & Role of a demand planner
  • Learn about factors (Internal & External to Organization) Influence demand planning process.?
  • Understand characteristics of Forecast, Forecasting process (Step by step), How to construct demand forecasts.
  • Learn about Planning horizons in demand forecasting process.
  • Understand different Types of forecasting process (Qualitative forecasting and quantitative forecasting and models inside these)
  • Quick glance on which forecasting methods are best to use?Understand why aggregate level forecast accuracy is usually higher
  • Learning about Inventory Management, types of inventory, 6 reasons to keep inventories..
  • Activities involved in Inventory Management function
  • Understanding Inventory Costs: A Comprehensive Overview
  • Need of best inventory management today - From Burden to Opportunity : Unleashing the Hidden Value of Inventory Management
  • Benefits of well managed inventory - From Chaos to Control Unleashing the Potential of well managed inventory
  • Learn more about what is Purchasing, What is Procurement, How both of these differ.
  • Understand what is Vendor Managed Inventory and what are its benefits.
  • What is meaning of Selective Inventory Control Methods
  • 9 Selective Inventory Control Methods - Categorization logic & uses (ABC, XYZ, FSN, HML, SDE, VED, S-OS, GOLF, PQR)
  • Overview & Excel Calculation for ABC, XYZ, HML, FSN, S-OS, VED, SDE, PQR, GOLF Analysis.
  • Categorizing Selective Inventory Control Methods in Microsoft Excel - Ready sheets for analysis in minutes.
  • Inventory Replenishment planning methods, Four Inventory replenishment Methods
  • What is Safety Stock, Why it is needed? Calculation of Safety Stock in Excel & Ready excel sheet for quick calculation
  • Calculation of Reorder Point (ROP) in Excel & Ready excel sheet for quick calculation
  • Calculation of Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) in Excel & Ready excel sheet for quick calculation
  • Calculation of Min Max levels in Excel & Ready excel sheet for quick calculation
  • Planning strategies in Business environments – All about MTO, MTS ATO & ETO.
  • Learnings about 5 Step S&OP (Sales & Operations Planning process) with key stakeholders and responsibilities in each steps.
  • Types of Planning in Supply Chain - Long term, Mid term and short term
  • In-depth understanding of Logistics, Transportation & Warehousing.. Processes in each of them, Modes of transport, types of logistics..
  • Key concepts like LTL, FTL, Reverse logistics, Types of warehouse, modes of transport and their differences.
  • Case study of Wal Mart - For using best supply chain methods, technologies and leveraging world class supply chain benefits.


  • Unlock Your Supply Chain leadership Potential with this well designed Course!

  • Are you ready to take your supply chain expertise to a global level? Unlock new career opportunities and drive international success with our comprehensive Udemy course!

- Master Global Supply Chain Strategies

- Navigate Complex International Supply Chain

- Optimize Cross-Border Logistics

- Lead with Confidence in a Globalized World

- Manage your inventory strategically

  • Join our exclusive Udemy course and gain the expertise to streamline your Supply Chain processes, enhance customer satisfaction, and supercharge your business growth.

  • Enroll Now and Enjoy:

- On-Demand Video Lessons - Learn at Your Pace

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- Lifetime Access - Stay Updated Always

- Expert Q&A - Get Your Questions Answered

- Certificate of Completion - Showcase Your Skills

Invest in your future. Transform your supply chain. Enroll in "Strategic Inventory Management" now!

Background of the course

This course will help you drastically improve your knowledge and skills in Global supply chain practices through a series of must know concepts, practical cases, case studies, calculations and examples. This course is designed by Academic & Industry experts in the field for everyone who is in Supply Chain role or wanted to make their career in the field. This course is designed for Supply Chain Managers, Analysts, Buyers, Demand Planners, Inventory planners, Transportation, warehousing & Logistics planners & even supply chain leaders.

What this course covers?

This course covers extensive content in a simple explanations and covers more than 15 key topics as below.

Introductory topics

· Business Operations

· Input & Output of Business Operations

· Transformation process

· Example of Manufacturing & Service Operations

· Goods Vs Services

· What is demand?

· Organizational functions who derive demand

· What is Supply?

· Organizational functions helps to meet Supply

· Demand & Supply Example

· Impact when Demand & Supply is imbalanced

Introduction to Supply Chain Management

· Definition

· Goal of Supply Chain Management

· Partners & Flows in Supply Chain Management

. Evolution of Supply Chain Management (From 1913’s till now and way ahead)

· Historical developments from Assembly line

· Mass Production

· MRP, MRP II, Outsourcing, ERP, EDI, IT Systems

· Business Process Reengineering, Globalization.

. Distribution Network in Supply Chain

· Distribution Channel & its types

· Distribution Partners

· Difference between distribution partners

Measuring Supply Chain

. SCOR (Supply Chain Operational Reference) Model in Supply Chain.

· What is SCOR Model?

· Characteristics of SCOR Model

· Processes in SCOR Model

· KPI’s recommended from SCOR Model

· Advantages & Disadvantages of SCOR Model

· Outcomes of SCOR Model (Practices)

. Flows in Supply Chain & Interlink with SCOR

· Supply Chain end to end process flow

· SCOR Processes & Interlink with flow

· Job Roles in Supply Chain & their involvement with each process

. Value Chain

· Definition of Value

· Meaning of Value Chain

· Primary & Support activities in Value Chain

o Primary - Inbound & Outbound logistics, Operations, Marketing & Sales, Service

o Secondary – Firm infrastructure, HRM, Technological development, Procurement

· Value Chain Vs Supply Chain

· Process flows in Value chain & Supply Chain

· Benefits of Value Chain

Demand Planning in Supply Chain

· Determinants of demand, Impact of each determinant with example

· What is demand planning?

· Why demand planning is required?

· Complexities in demand planning process.

· Demand planning process steps

· Benefits of demand planning

· Role of Demand Planner

· Characteristics of forecast.

. Planning Horizons & Forecasting Methods

· Planning horizon meaning & types

· Activities falls in different planning horizons

· Forecasting methods

o Qualitative forecasting – Executive Opinion, Salesforce composite, Market survey, Delphi method

o Quantitative forecasting – Time Series, Regression Model

· Which forecasting method is best with examples?

. Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP)

· Evolution of S&OP (from 1970’s)

· What is S&OP?

· Demand & Supply in S&OP

· 5 Steps of S&OP Process

o Data Collection & New Products planning

o Demand Planning

o Supply Planning

o Consensus / Financial Integration

o Executive Review.

Supply Planning in Supply Chain

· Determinants of Supply, Impact of each determinant with example

· Recap on Demand planning

· What is supply planning?

· Demand Planning Vs Supply Planning

· Goal of Supply Planning

· Example of Demand & Supply Planning

· Steps in Supply Planning Process

. Master Production Schedule (MPS)

· What is MPS , Its interlink with Demand Plan

· Example how to run MPS

· Inputs & Outputs of MPS

· Bill of Material & Example

. Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)

· What is MRP , Its interlink with MPS

· Objectives of MRP

· Inputs & Outputs of MRP

· Example & Calculation of MRP with examples


· Dependent demand Vs Independent demand

· Difference between MPS & MRP.

. Planning Flow

· Interlink between Demand Planning, MPS, MRP

· MPS & MRP Calculation example for a bottle manufacturing company

. Planning strategies in manufacturing environment

· Make to Stock (MTS) with example

· Assemble to Order (ATO) with example

· Make to Order (MRO) with example

· Engineer to Order (ETO) with example

· Comparison between all 4 strategies.

. Types of Planning in Business

· Short, Mid & Long term planning

· Business Plan, Profit Plan, S&OP, MPS, MRP Interlink

Inventory Management & Purchasing in Supply Chain

· Inventory

· Types of inventory

· Six reasons why business needs inventories

· Activities involved in Inventory Management function

· Understanding Inventory Costs: A Comprehensive Overview

o Ordering Cost

o Carrying or holding cost

o Shortage or stock out cost

o Spoilage cost

o Other costs

o Tabular examples of the costs

· Need for effective inventory management today - From Burden to Opportunity

o Contribution of Inventory in working capital

o Research studies about inventory contribution in company’s working capital.

o Inventory contribution in retail, manufacturing and service companies.

o Role of inventory holding cost

o Research studies on contribution of holding cost in inventory costs.

· Benefits of well managed inventory - From Chaos to Control

o Cost optimization & Cash flow management

o Customer Satisfaction

o Improved supply chain efficiency.

o Profit maximization

· Purchasing & Procurement

· Purchasing cycle

· Procurement cycle

· Overview on Sourcing & Contract Management

· Market Research through RFI, RFP & RFQ.

· Spend analysis & steps in spend analysis.

· Direct & Indirect Procurement

· Difference between Purchasing & Procurement

· Overview on Total Cost of ownership

· Purchasing cycle

· Procurement cycle

· Vendor Managed Inventory

o What is VMI

o How it is different from traditional inventory replenishment

o Process flow in VMI & traditional inventory replenishment

o Benefits of VMI

o Top Companies who uses VMI in their businesses

· Overview on Sourcing & Contract Management

· Market Research through RFI, RFP & RFQ.

· Spend analysis & steps in spend analysis.

· Direct & Indirect Procurement

· Difference between Purchasing & Procurement

· Overview on Total Cost of ownership

· Overview of Selective inventory control

· Why Selective inventory control?

· What are benefits of selective inventory control?

· Overview of ABC Analysis - Meaning, Logics & Uses.

· Overview of XYZ Analysis - Meaning, Logics & Uses.

· Overview of HML Analysis - Meaning, Logics & Uses.

· Overview of FSN Analysis - Meaning, Logics & Uses.

· Overview of VED Analysis - Meaning, Logics & Uses.

· Overview of SDE Analysis - Meaning, Logics & Uses.

· Overview of S-OS Analysis - Meaning, Logics & Uses.

· Overview of GOLF Analysis - Meaning, Logics & Uses.

· Overview of PQR Analysis - Meaning, Logics & Uses.

· Excel Calculation & Automated calculation sheet for ABC, XYZ, HML, FSN, PQR, ABC-XYZ analysis.

Replenishment planning methods & Calculations in Excel

· Four Inventory replenishment Methods

· What is Safety Stock, Why it is needed?

· Calculation of Safety Stock in Excel & Ready excel sheet for quick calculation

· Calculation of Reorder Point (ROP) in Excel & Ready excel sheet for quick calculation

· Calculation of Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) in Excel & Ready excel sheet for quick calculation

· Calculation of Min Max levels in Excel & Ready excel sheet for quick calculation

· Planning strategies in Business environments – All about MTO, MTS ATO & ETO.

Important KPI's in Inventory & Manufacturing Operations.

· Overview of Average inventory – Meaning, Calculation & Example

· Overview of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) – Meaning, Calculation & Example

o Exclusion & Inclusions in COGS costs.

· Overview of Inventory turnover ratio (ITR)– Meaning, Calculation & Example

· Overview of Days on Hand (DOH)– Meaning, Calculation & Example

· Overview of Inventory Accuracy – Meaning, Calculation & Example

· Overview of Gross Margin return on inventory investment (GMROII)– Meaning, Calculation & Example.

· Overview of Days of Sales (DOS)– Meaning, Calculation & Example.

· Overview of Excess & Obsolete Inventory (E&O) - Meaning, Calculation & Example.

· Overview of on time delivery (OTD) - Meaning, Calculation & Example.

· Overview of on time in full (OTIF) - Meaning, Calculation & Example.

· Excel calculation & ready template for calculation of average inventory, ITR, DOH, DOS, GMROII

· Excel calculation & ready template for E&O Inventory

· Excel calculation & ready template for OTD & OTIF

Logistics, Transportation  & Warehousing Management

· Logistics

· Activities in Logistics

· 7R’s of Logistics

· Types of Logistics

· Why Business needs logistics Management

· Reverse logistics

· Transportation

· Activities in transportation

· Transportation infrastructure

· Key functions of transportation Management

· Types of transportation & their features.

· Difference between transportation modes.

· LTL & FTL, Difference between both of them.

· What is warehouse, features of warehouse

· Activities performed in warehousing

· Need for warehousing in supply chain

· Types of warehouses (Private, Public, Co-operative, Government, Bonded, Climate controlled, Automated, Distribution centers).

Case Study of Walmart

· Supply Chain Methods used by Walmart – Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), Collaborative Planning Forecasting & Replenishment (CPFR)

· IT Technologies Used by Walmart – Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Electronic data interchange (EDI)

· Benefits achieved by Walmart.

Who Should Attend!

  • Professionals - Like Buyers, Demand Planners, Logistics Planners, Inventory Planners, Supply Chain Managers, Supply Chain Analysts.
  • Professionals looking to make their career or switch their careen in Supply Chain field.




