Hack Your Job Search

A fun, fresh class that updates your entire approach to getting a job. 100% of buyers (so far) have gotten a better job

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Hack Your Job Search

What You Will Learn!

  • When one of the best sales trainers on the planet turns her attention to helping people get jobs, the advice is fresh and different from the norm. You have to stand out, and you can't do that if you're dropping your information into a template.


Most people focus on their resumes … or their interviewing skills … to help them through a job search.

But the average job ad gets 250 resumes! If you’ve got something unique and desirable about your background you may have a chance, but most people don’t get any responses at all! So a resume that isn’t seen, or great interviewing skills when you’re not getting interviewed, won’t help.

We start at the very beginning.

Why does an employer open a job search? What can we learn about people who’ve succeeded in the role before?

What qualities is the employer likely to require?

And what qualities will the employer be looking for, whether or not they’re on the job description?

Learn how to stop thinking about yourself and what you’ve done, and spend more time thinking what the employer’s dream candidate might be.

The biggest problem with job searches is that there aren’t enough of them. You can’t expect a job from a job board; you’ll have to decide who you’d like to work for -- the company and the boss -- and pursue multiple opportunities both online and off.

Most people don’t come into interviews with interesting questions. That’s your biggest opportunity to distinguish yourself as someone who’s thoughtful, caring and creative.

That’s not the same as just sending off another online resume!

We encourage you to search all your contacts for anyone whom you know. LinkedIn gives you networks of people who have connections; you’ll have to ask your contacts to introduce you to people you’d like to meet -- people love to recommend others if they’re confident that their own reputation won’t be damaged!

Most people don’t bother to understand where the organization is growing, what initiatives they’re pursuing, That’s so valuable! It’s much more important than what you’ve done in the past that’s kinda sorta similar.

Think like an entrepreneur. If it was YOUR business, what sort of person would you want working there? If it’s a fit, your resume, interview skills and follow-up become relevant, and we’ll get you ready for that.

And then we’ll teach you how to close. If it’s not a fit that’s expected move on -- if you look like his mom and the entrepreneur doesn’t get on with his mom, you’re not their candidate. Talk to more people -- broaden your search. We’ll show you how!

Who Should Attend!

  • People who are willing to look at their beliefs about the job search process and try a new approach.
  • Those who want an EDGE over other candidates! This is how to optimize your job search.



  • Interviewing Skills
  • Job Search
  • Resume and CV Writing






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