Hands-on Web Penetration Testing with Metasploit 4.x

Overcome hacker threats and protect your system with Metasploit!

Ratings 4.52 / 5.00
Hands-on Web Penetration Testing with Metasploit 4.x

What You Will Learn!

  • Work comfortably with Metasploitable in Kali Linux with a VirtualBox
  • Think like a hacker
  • Scan for vulnerabilities with Nmap and Nessus frameworks
  • Search for exploits and payloads for defined vulnerabilities with Metasploit
  • Create our own vulnerabilities with Trojans/Backdoors with the Veil framework
  • Use Meterpreter to escalate privileges and make your sessions sustainable


Prepare yourself for common attacks, simulate real-world possibilities, and learn from test scenarios and case studies.

You'll carry out exploitations, build/port exploits of various kinds in Metasploit, find weaknesses in target systems, and hunt for vulnerabilities using Metasploit and its supporting tools. You'll master the latest security techniques and methods that can be directly applied to scan, test, hack, and secure networks and systems with Metasploit. Towards the end of the course, you will implement time-saving techniques using Metasploit.

By the end of the course, you will know how to fully protect your system using Metasploit, and will have gained the skills to carry out penetration testing in complex and highly-secured environments.

About the Author

Atil Samancioglu is a best-selling online instructor and has instructed more than 80,000 students on Ethical Hacking. Atil has trained more than 20.000 students on the following Ethical Hacking subjects: Kali Linux, Metasploit, metasploitable, social engineering, Nmap, Man-in-the-Middle attacks, MITM proxy, Beef, Wireshark, Maltego, SQL Injection, XSS, social media safety, VPN server creation, Meterpreter, Ettercap, WPA Enterprise. He currently works as eBusiness Team Leader in a multinational company.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course targets ethical hackers, penetration testers, system administrators, and IT security professionals who wish to secure their system and its host.



  • Penetration Testing






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