Happier Thinking For High Achievers

An Introduction to Centered Success

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Happier Thinking For High Achievers

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the dangers of stress associated with being a "high achiever"
  • Learn research-proven skills for thinking, feeling and living a happier life
  • Practice ways to think happier thoughts
  • Implement new tools for creating more success with less stress


Successful but still not happy? Not sure how you got to one without achieving the other? It is common among high achievers to strive for success thinking it will bring us joy. Then, we achieve success and still feel unsatisfied with life.

That's why I developed this course... for "go getters," "high achievers," "over achievers" and "ambition addicts" (like me) who have experienced success, but want to learn how to begin experiencing a greater feeling of happiness... a greater sense of satisfaction with life.

We can enjoy success with much less stress. It only requires that we begin identifying, challenging and rethinking key patterns in our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Some of them may have even helped us to get where we are, but now keep us stuck in wanting, striving, working without being able to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Let me show you how to think happier! In this course, "Happier Thinking for High Achievers," I share with you key techniques that have helped me and my clients find ways to stay centered as we achieve and pursue great success. I designed a model, specifically for folks like us: hard-working visionaries who survive, strive and thrive but could use a little bit of help in the joy, fulfilment and relaxation department. Join me on this journey!

The course is divided into 12 self-study modules that I recommend you complete across four weeks. I included exercises you can use to begin practicing the tools offered, and I reference carefully curated research in related fields to support the approaches we're learning.

You already know how to succeed... let me help you learn how to enjoy it!

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for people who are high achieving, but may have become addicted to their ambition.
  • Example: Successful people who feel more stress than fulfilment




