AryaMarga Yoga is pleased to present the teachings of Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the 14th century master-text that details the science of the Willful Union of the Sun & Moon disks. This course is part of the 4 Yoga Teacher Training Course, which comprises of Hatha Yoga, Raja Yoga, Samkhya Yoga, Pancha Tattva Asana Kriya and Pancha Tattva Pranayama Kriya.
The word Pradipika means to shed complete light on. Complete light on what? Light on the System and Techniques of Hatha Yoga. This text was composed in the 15th century, by Yogi Svātmārāma. In the very first chapter of this masterwork, Yogi Svātmārāma clearly gives his intent behind the composition of this text. By Yogī Swātmārāma’s time, (approx. 14 th -15 th Cent. AD) Raja Yoga had already become so ancient a science of Yoga, with such an inordinate number of lineages and
individual Yogīs claiming their own interpretations of the system, that the original Lineage teachings of Yoga seemed at risk of disappearing from the public consciousness.
Yogī Swātmārāma, out of compassion, sees the need for a clear understanding of the ancient Yogic view, it’s system and techniques, so that aspirants may overcome the perplexity born through multiple and varied interpretations of Yoga. To this end, the Clear Light on Haṭha /Haṭha Pradīpika has been composed by Yogī Swātmārāma.
In this module, students would be introduced to the following topics as concerns this text -
The Definition, Objective and Method of Pranayama
The Advanced Techniques of Pranayama
The 3 Stages of Pranayama
Warning of Pranayama Sadhana
The Preparatory Practices for Pratyahara of Sense Internalization
The Indicators of Success
Entry to the Higher Yogas (Raja Yoga) through the Regular Practice of Pranayama