You may have a sugar habit, porn addiction or drink most nights causing you shame or maybe using cocaine is getting out of control? Whatever you reach for relief thing is, remember thats not the cause, it's the symptom of something else all together. Here we unpack the real stuff so you can take charge of your life. I have helped hundreds of people create lasting change this way instead of trying to knuckle brave withdrawals. On some level you know you're worth it, I know you're but we need to feel it to follow through. Here we explore and uncover the causes of your addictive behaviour so you can release the craving or urge to continue. I have had addictive behaviour simply fall away and so can you. I invite you to explore the inside feelings that are here to give us feedback and here we do it with ease, here you can do the exercises that release the feelings of anxiety stress and fear. Here we heal the past trauma and anxiety in the nervous system so you can be free to be you. This will increase your self worth and life will start to change for you because you wont be carrying around guilt and shame anymore. Also if you want a one on one with me, check out my site after you do this course if you want to go deeper.