Healthy posture: Release, stretch & strengthen your fascia

Myofascial manipulations to tackle the body to get rid of chronic discomforts & move towards a more balanced wellbeing

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Healthy posture: Release, stretch & strengthen your fascia

What You Will Learn!

  • Myofascia exercises that loosen up physical tensions and bring more flexibility and better mobility.
  • You'll learn what fascia is and why it is so important for the human posture
  • 10 minute effective exercises for different body parts, gaining balanced posture and a sense of wellness
  • How to release shoulder tensions.
  • Tackle back issues and become pain-free.
  • Re-discover how to sit without harming my posture.
  • Regain confidence about my body and posture.


Have you ever felt tired of too much tension within your body? Often, when too tensed, not even working out really helps release the muscles to rejuvenate. Maybe you've experienced chronic pain in your head, shoulders, lower back?

These feel good exercises are designed to awaken the human connective tissue (also known as bodily fascia) to loosen up unnecessary tensions within the body and to integrate the discovered balanced body within your own life style.

You can look at it as if you are driving your own car (alias your body) every single day and you expect it to work flawlessly. Sometimes, because of a mal adaption in posture or a habit, the body is not as 'oiled' any more and strikes: you feel pain. These exercises want to be like a good mechanic, that checks the whole body and makes sure, that all the different body parts are looked after, balanced. We therefore will focus not only at finding the painful cause, but we'll tackle the root of the cause and therefore induce lasting change and wellness.

These exercises look at the body as a whole and do not only tackle one body part, because as we (more wholistic and experienced therapists) know: the pain of a body part is not always where the root of the problem lies. You will follow a simple but very effective 10 minute a day step to step program toward wellness.

I invite you to join me now! Go ahead and click at the button that says: ADD TO CART. I look forward to supporting you.

See you inside the course!

Your movement therapist,


Who Should Attend!

  • Office workers
  • Professional musicians
  • Dancers and athletes
  • Students
  • 50+



  • Physical Therapy
  • Stress Management






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