High ROI Corporate Training Design

This course discusses both the theoretical and practical framework of two fundamentals of training design.

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High ROI Corporate Training Design

What You Will Learn!

  • Explore the Organization Development Cycle and recognize how it impacts Intervention Design.
  • Identify Methods for Training Needs Analysis.
  • Explore the Evaluation Phase and the importance of staring with the end in mind.
  • Discover how to calculate return on investment (ROI) in alignment with organization performance measures.


In this course we discuss both the theoretical and practical framework of two fundamentals of training design. 

First we examine the training needs analysis phase, where we discuss the importance of understanding the nature of the context within which the organization is operating and the issues the organization faces in achieving its objectives.  We review methods of analysis and the types of data, which can aid impactful training design.  Second we explore the evaluation phase, and how to align training interventions to organizational performance objectives.  We work through examples of return on investment calculations and review a variety of performance measures, which can be utilized.  

This course outlines the practice of training design for Return on Investment providing learning professionals with techniques that they can use in their own training design.

Who Should Attend!

  • Anyone interested in Human Resources (HR).
  • Anyone interested in Management.



  • Human Resources
  • Instructional Design
  • Leadership
  • Corporate Learning and Development (L&D)






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