Autism at work: How to create autism friendly working spaces

Strategies organisations can use to create autism friendly spaces while fostering healthy work relationships with autist

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Autism at work: How to create autism friendly working spaces

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the challenges of employment in a traditional workplace for autists
  • Understand different strategies that managers can use to create autism friendly working spaces
  • Identify the skills needed to foster healthy relationships at work with those on the spectrum
  • Understand the basis of a successful work relationship with those on the spectrum.


Unemployment rates are a growing concern worldwide, with the current global rate at 5.8%. However, this figure pales compared to the staggering 50% to 90% unemployment rates experienced by individuals with autism spectrum disorder, particularly those with an intellectual disability. This is the highest rate of unemployment for any type of disability or disorder. Research has shown that when employers accommodate the unique needs and preferences of individuals with autism, they can be up to 140% more effective than their neurotypical peers.

Autists bring unparalleled cognitive advantages to the workplace, including superior creativity, focus, memory, and personal qualities such as honesty and dedication. They also possess a valuable autism-specific perspective that can help companies thrive. Despite global policies of social inclusion, many autists still struggle to find employment. Without systems in place to accommodate their needs, high unemployment rates will continue to plague this vulnerable population, and employers will miss out on the benefits of their strengths. That's why we're offering a self-paced course that teaches employers practical strategies for creating an autism-friendly system throughout the recruitment, interview, onboarding, and post-placement processes. Our goal is to help organizations become aware of the uniqueness of autists, to utilize their strengths, and to offer a place of acceptance where they can serve their skills.

Enrolling in this course will equip you with the strategies you need to create an autism-friendly organization, promote social inclusion, and provide equitable employment opportunities for autists. Let's work together to change the tide for this underserved population.

Who Should Attend!

  • Employers, Human resource proffesionals, Managers, Organisation executives, Employees working with those on the spectrum,




