The objective of this module is to innovate creative teaching and learning as an outcome within classrooms. To cure ignorance and avoid distractions in the teaching and learning process in particular. The module exhibits the introduction of novel strategies towards classroom management and creative teaching skills through engagement and implementation experiential learning modules towards a win-win approach as an educational climate within the school.
The major objective of this module is to encourage, as a secondary impact, new and creative approaches to both the teaching and learning that take place in educational settings. This aim will be accomplished through promoting the secondary effect. This is something that should be considered a secondary influence of the core objective of the program. in order to erase people's ignorance and maintain people's attention on the work at hand, which is the process of teaching and education, in order for ignorance to be eradicated as much as possible. This module demonstrates the introduction of unique strategies towards classroom management and creative teaching abilities via engagement and the implementation of experiential learning modules in the direction of a win-win strategy as an educational environment within the school. This module also demonstrates how experiential learning modules can contribute to a win-win strategy. This module also illustrates how experiential learning modules may contribute to a win-win approach by demonstrating how this can be done. In addition to that, this module provides an example of how experiential learning modules may be used in real-world settings.