Oxford Diploma: Mental Health and Wellbeing at the workplace

(January 2024 ) Mental Health/Wellness AND Mental Health Ambassador course! (Oxford Diploma)

Ratings 4.20 / 5.00
Oxford Diploma: Mental Health and Wellbeing at the workplace

What You Will Learn!

  • How to become a Mental Health Ambassador and gain the Oxford Diploma
  • How to reduce stress at work
  • How to devise a Wellbeing strategy in your workplace
  • Prevention, Intervention, Protection
  • What steps the individual can take
  • How to improve employee engagement
  • Practical applications to use at work


New lectures : January 2024

New workbook added in September 2023

Lectures added in July 2023 - making this course VERY up to date!

  • Myths of Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • Mindsets

  • NHS

  • What needs to be done

  • Optimal mental well-being

  • What do you do as a manager?

  • Controversies for Discussion

  • Work-life balance

  • Burnout

  • Mental health accommodations

  • Wellness programs

  • Remote work

  • Work-life Balance

  • Work-life Integration

  • Haikus for Mental Health and Wellbeing

8 courses on Mental Health at Work 2020s (+ Oxford Diploma)

This extensive course is specifically aimed at employers and employees in the workplace. Mental Health as a whole topic is covered - as is becoming a Mental Health Ambassador - but the emphasis throughout is on practical application in a workplace environment.

Topics covered:

  • My own background

  • Stress reduction for teachers

  • What is mental health?

  • Prevention of mental health problems

  • Effective interventions

  • Policy options

  • Economic insecurity

  • Community networks

  • Encouraging good mental health at the workplace

  • Prevention

  • Intervention

  • Protection

  • Wellbeing strategy

  • Wellbeing improvements at work

  • What the individual can do

  • Becoming a workplace mental health ambassador

  • Improving employee engagement

  • Voluntary work

  • Different workplace scenarios

  • In September 2019 the Mental Health Workbook was issued.

  • In January 2020 a workbook on alcohol and a Mental Health was published.

  • New lectures were added in August 2023

Remember: this course includes an entire section on becoming a Mental Health Ambassador !

Who Should Attend!

  • Leaders in industry
  • HRM department
  • Employers
  • Employees
  • Mental Health professionals



  • Mental Health






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