How To Be Bulletproof From Criticism

Dramatically Boost Your Confidence in your Personal Life and Professional Career

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How To Be Bulletproof From Criticism

What You Will Learn!

  • How never to fear personal verbal attacks again
  • The model of human behaviour that can save your dignity and allow you to act with poise and professionalism under duress
  • Why people take things to heart ...and how to stop doing that!
  • How we create our meanings about the events in our lives (including when we are criticised)
  • Understanding why people criticise in the first place
  • Neuroscience, Ancient Wisdom, your 3 Brains and why you need your ’General’ to step up!
  • Learn – how to stay calm under duress
  • Learn – a step by step system to manage almost any situation
  • Discover – how to shift perspectives in moments – to your advantage
  • Learn – how to use the skills you gain here to progress your career
  • Gain – insights into yourself and continually improve performance in any field
  • Leave – a legacy of positive behaviour for your children or grandchildren


My story

Many years ago I was on the receiving end of the most vitriolic professional attack of my entire career. I was in my early 30’s and I had only been facilitating professional programs for a short time. It was an excruciating event and potentially could have been disastrous.

Fortunately, using my training in human behaviour I was able to diffuse the situation within minutes, gain respect from the entire audience...all without one word of disrespect or attack from myself.

If you have ever been hurt or wounded or felt the sharp sting of cruel words you’ll understand that words can hurt. They can cut deep, and indeed, shape the course of your life and limit what you can do.

Whether the criticism is from within yourself or from someone else, you give yourself an immense advantage when you know how to effectively deal with it.

What makes Bill qualified to lead this program?

The instructor of the course, Bill Lee-Emery, has a passion for helping people to learn about themselves. Through his work spanning nearly 40 years, he has taught countless thousands of people how to improve various aspects of their lives.

Besides working in the corporate world, Bill facilitated personal growth programs at one of Australia’s best-known health resorts on the Gold Coast, Queensland delivering acclaimed workshops on stress and modern living.

He has also worked with many elite sportspeople including the Australian National Skydiving Team and other high performance individuals including world-class cyclists, triathletes and golfers.

He is the author of four books, appeared on several TV programs and various radio programs throughout Australia and overseas.

How the Course Works

We’ll start by laying a foundation of ideas and perspectives that can shift how you think and feel about yourself. Sometimes just one idea can prove significant so you’ll likely pick up some precious gems along our journey together.

You’ll then discover a system that is simple and easy to duplicate so that you can deal with both internal and external criticism, with dignity and poise.

PLUS – an easy to follow 10-page Workbook with exercises from each training video. This means you have all your notes, reflections, insights and exercises in one easy-to-find place.

Finally, you’ll get access to a bonus video that shows you a pathway building bulletproof, healthy and robust self-esteem.

No Risk Guarantee

If you find that this course is not for you or does not deliver the results you wish, you have a 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee.

So, enroll in the course with confidence now and I look forward to seeing you inside!


Who Should Attend!

  • You are finally ready to stand up for yourself.
  • You are done with your past constraints.
  • You know it’s time for you to be seen and heard!
  • You want to shine more brightly in the world!
  • You sense it is time for change
  • You want a BOLD life!
  • You want to leave a profound legacy for your family, friends and community



  • Master Your Emotions
  • Relaxation
  • Self-Acceptance
  • Self-Esteem






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