Become organized. Strike a work- and personal life balance

Gain time, boost productivity and achieve greater success at work and in your personal life using 4 building blocks

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Become organized. Strike a work- and personal life balance

What You Will Learn!

  • Strike a better balance of work and personal life.
  • Optimize skills in time-, task-, calendar-, meeting management
  • Learn to work with 4 building blocks. 1) email management 2) task management 3) calendar management 4) meeting management.
  • Sleep better and have an ease-of-mind. Be less stressful. Learn to focus on the now. The past is gone and the future is planned and prioritized.
  • New habits and disciplines to boost your productivity.
  • Optimized personal organization will help you to focus on what really matters.
  • Free up minimum 30 minutes daily. Likely more.


Being organized, in my opinion, is a fundamental aspect of leading a fulfilling and intentional life. Being more efficient and effective puts you in control of your life, allowing you to take ownership, plan your time optimally, and prioritize what truly matters. We all understand that time is our most finite resource and being organized provides the freedom to spend more time on important matters in both your professional and personal life.

I will provide you with four building blocks to assist in achieving your goals: 1) email management, 2) task management, 3) calendar management, and 4) meeting management.

Each of these foundational practices includes a set of four practical and easy-to-implement tools. Consider these building blocks as your personal guidebook that can empower you to make significant changes in your life.

My concept is based on my personal experience, tried-and-tested methods, and the success of the executives I have trained over the past 13 years. I have emphasized the importance of being pragmatic, as it should be easy to understand and implement.

As efficiency trainer, I meet business executives from all over the world who have too much on their plate and insufficient time to keep up with top of hundreds of emails per day, manage (often unproductive) meetings throughout the day and attempt to set their priorities set while trying to protect time for their social and family lives.

This course will help you to:

1) increase your effectiveness and efficiency.

You will be able to accomplish stuff much faster, freeing up at least at least 30 minutes every day; likely much more.

2) improve your ability to prioritize.

You will proactively focus on the right tasks, instead of just completing tasks correctly. You will use the 24 hours you have each day optimally.

3) increase your energy, creativity, and mental clarity.

When your physical environment is set up to support you, your mind has space to think about more strategic issues.

4) reduce distractions.

You will focus on what is important to you and produce higher quality output. You will be in a better position to say “no” to others and delegate tasks because you are in control. People will notice that you are in control.

5) experience increased focus on the present moment.

The past is gone, and the future is planned and prioritized. You will focus on one person or task at a time putting you in a better position to be the best executive, leader, spouse, parent, or friend that you can be.

6) know where everything is.

You have efficient systems in place to help you avoid distractions and prevent wasting time searching for things. Living with clutter and in a chronic state of disorganization can cause stress including being unprepared or unable to find what you need. With mountains of objects overwhelming you, you are constantly forced to think about them.

7) increase your flexibility.

When you are in control of your day-to-day life, you will be better equipped to adapt to unforeseen circumstances and build in slack.

8) improve sleep and reduce stress. Being organized means going to bed with a clear mind, and that leads to less stress and better sleep.

Who Should Attend!

  • Whether you are an aspiring professional, an entrepreneur, or a corporate executive, this course will equip you with practical tools and strategies to enhance your personal and professional productivity.



  • Time Management
  • Meetings






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