How to Deal with a Narcissistic Boss

Strategies for Maintaining Your Sanity

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How to Deal with a Narcissistic Boss

What You Will Learn!

  • How can you tell if you're dealing with a narcissist or you boss is holding you accountable
  • How to navigate your day-to-day actions with a narcissistic boss
  • How to communicate with a narcissistic boss
  • How to care for yourself and build security while navigating a narcissistic boss


As someone who has encountered the complexities of dealing with narcissistic bosses in both my personal and professional life, I understand the importance of equipping oneself with the right strategies to thrive in such challenging environments. In this course, I will personally guide you through a journey that encompasses a range of objectives designed to help you effectively navigate the world of narcissistic bosses.

First and foremost, we will delve into the crucial skill of distinguishing between narcissistic behavior and a boss who genuinely holds you accountable for your work. It can often be challenging to discern whether your boss's actions stem from narcissism or genuine expectations, and I will share insights to help you make that distinction with confidence.

Day-to-day interactions with a narcissistic boss can be emotionally taxing. Drawing from my experiences, I will provide practical techniques to help you navigate your daily work life with poise and professionalism while minimizing conflict and stress. From handling criticism to managing difficult situations, you'll learn to maintain your composure and productivity.

Effective communication is at the heart of any successful professional relationship. I will share my own experiences and the strategies I've honed over time to communicate assertively and diplomatically with narcissistic bosses. You'll gain valuable insights into providing feedback, addressing issues, and fostering cooperation without provoking defensiveness.

Finally, self-care and building personal security are paramount when dealing with narcissistic bosses. I've personally witnessed the toll such environments can take on mental and emotional well-being. In this course, we will prioritize self-care strategies to help you maintain your equilibrium and happiness. Additionally, I'll share methods for building personal and professional security, allowing you to thrive despite the challenges presented by your boss's narcissism.

Join me on this journey to master the art of dealing with narcissistic bosses while fostering your personal growth and well-being. Together, we'll equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to not only survive but also excel in these challenging work environments.

Who Should Attend!

  • Any employee working for someone who they believe is a narcissist and treats them poorly




