How to draw realistic eyes like a pro

Let's get more comfortable drawing realistic eyes, and have no problem drawing and locating the other eye.

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How to draw realistic eyes like a pro

What You Will Learn!

  • Learn how to start drawing guidelines, and locating the other eye
  • Draw eyebrows and eyelashes
  • Tips an tricks to draw realistic eyes
  • Learn the basics of shadowing, and using it to shade the eyes


Learn the complete fundamentals of  Drawing realistic eyes, so you can learn to draw professionally and level up your art game.

You will learn new drawing techniques, and build upon your drawing skills, to produce beautiful, amazing drawings. I will help guide you every step of the way to guarantee maximum results. Knowledge is the most powerful tool I can give you and this will allow you to create amazing artwork, enroll in this course, and enjoy the benefits of step-by-step guided instruction.

This class is generally about getting more comfortable with your art and specifically drawing the eyes, it will start simple and go more advanced as we go, so it's suitable for complete beginners who want to start from the basics to reach drawing realistic eyes, and for more advanced artists looking forward to leveling up their art.

By the end of this course, you will be able to draw realistic detailed eyes and eyebrows. You will have no problem locating the other eye or drawing the other eye as identical as possible to the first eye. and you will be given some tips and tricks to level up your shading game.

This course also shows you the importance of practicing and investing more time in your art.

This course is a 6-part series. If you're a beginner, we recommend going through the entire series in the following order:

Basic Skills

Guidelines and Eyelids

Pupil and Iris



Details (inking)


If you've got some drawing experience, feel free to mix and match The Art & Science of Drawing courses to suit your personal needs as an artist!

Who Should Attend!

  • Complete beginners who wants to start from the basics to reach drawing realistic eyes, and advanced artist looking forward to level up their art.




