How to Get Over Your Fear of Sales

Gain Confidence to Sell and Promote your Products and Services

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How to Get Over Your Fear of Sales

What You Will Learn!

  • How to identify sales anxiety
  • How to overcome fear of selling
  • This course will demonstrate that sales is a vital part of any business or profession
  • How to learn from your failures


No matter what business you’re in, selling is the key to success. You can have the greatest products, services, or business idea in the world but your lack of confidence in yourself and the company you represent will hold you back from the success that you want.

In fact, 40% of our time In business involves selling. But the reality is so many of us are reluctant to call ourselves sales people. They fear that people will see them as manipulative or high pressure con artists.

The smart sales person does not see themselves that way. They view sales as a way to help clients to have a more successful life or business.

This course is designed to help you get over your fear and anxiety about sales and become a confident representative of the products and services that you are offering.

Know this: if you have anxiety, fears, or trepidations about selling, you are not alone. This course will give you the tools to embrace and feel comfortable about being an outstanding sales person.

Selling is not just promoting your products and services. It's also about persuading investors to back your business or convincing top talent to work for you.

These are skills that can be learned and that's what this course is about.

Who Should Attend!

  • This course is for anyone in business who needs to be a confident sales person.
  • Sales can include marketing your product or services, persuading investors to back your business or convincing talented people to work for you.




