The Problem
While working on a piece of our anonymous telemetry and analytics system, our goal was to be able to handle a large amount of POST requests from millions of endpoints. The web handler would receive a JSON document that may contain a collection of many payloads that needed to be written to Amazon S3, in order for our map-reduce systems to later operate on this data.
Traditionally we would look into creating a worker-tier architecture, utilizing things such as:
Elasticbeanstalk Worker Tier
and so on…
And setup 2 different clusters, one for the web front-end and another for the workers, so we can scale up the amount of background work we can handle.
But since the beginning, our team knew that we should do this in Go because during the discussion phases we saw this could be potentially a very large traffic system. I have been using Go for about 2 years or so, and we had developed a few systems here at work but none that would get this amount of load.
Simplicity always wins in my book. We could have designed a complex system with many queues, background workers, complex deployments, but instead we decided to leverage the power of Elasticbeanstalk auto-scaling and the efficiency and simple approach to concurrency that Golang provides us out of the box.
It’s not everyday that you have a cluster of only 4 machines, that are probably much less powerful than my current MacBook Pro, handling POST requests writing to an Amazon S3 bucket 1 million times every minute.