Welcome to Professional Java!
These first lessons in this Java series are designed for students with no prior programming experience. The goal is to show software developers what most usually need to know first. Specifically, how to use command line tools!
While designed for beginners the focus of the series is upon those who also want to become professional software developers. Because the goal is understanding how Java can be used by software professionals, Professional Java takes the time to go well beyond the basics of simply “learning how to code.”
From an understanding of programming in general the training next moves to learning how to install Java so as to use Java's command line tools. Students will also learn how to create software on "headless" and / or cloud servers using editors such as `vi,` as well as other techniques commonly used by DevOps professionals.
Students will also practice using software development tools on Linux / POSIX-inspired operating systems, as well as on WSL - Microsoft's Windows Subsystem for Linux!
Concepts & Tactics
By taking the time to explore both Java as well as software developer concepts, students will be able to gain the confidence needed to use Java everywhere. Understanding how Java works allows students to create software using Java's free console tools, as well as the professional Integrated Development Environments, or IDEs.
Hands-on Exercises
The software creation activities in this training opportunity consist of both hands-on video activities, as well as a more formal set of labs. Followed by a “Questions & Activities” section, the completion of each session provides a bonus opportunity for students to review, as well as to advance, one's mastery of a related set of Java-centric, software-creation, exercises.