Herbalism: How To Make Herbal Remedies

Learn To Make Your Own Remedies With Confidence

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Herbalism: How To Make Herbal Remedies

What You Will Learn!

  • How to make Herbal Infusions & Decoctions
  • How to make Fomentations
  • How to make Infused Oils & Salves
  • How to make Tinctures & Extracts
  • How to make Poultices


Are you curious about making your own herbal remedies? Do you love to "do it yourself"? Want to make sure that you are getting the most out of your herbs and making effective remedies? Join me as I walk you through how to create several different herbal remedies and discuss measurements and best practices. This is a very visual course with demonstrations of each of the types of remedies discussed below. In my own kitchen, I show you the steps that I take to make these herbal remedies and how you can make them just as easily yourself.

In this course you will learn about each of the following types of remedies, the materials and ingredients you will need to have on hand before you get started, when you would want to make the different types of remedies, and importantly, the steps to make each of the different remedies.

The herbal remedy demonstrations include how to make each of the following:

  • Herbal Infusions

  • Herbal Decoctions

  • Herbal Fomentations

  • Herbal Poultices

  • Infused Herbal Oils

  • Herbal Salves

  • Herbal Tinctures

  • Herbal Extracts

At the end of the course you will be able to download a Quick Guide PDF with measurements, directions, and notes from the entire course for easy reference whenever you need.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner herbalists
  • Natural Health Enthusiasts
  • DIY Remedy Makers



  • Herbalism
  • Natural Medicine






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