This course highlights how to overcome addictions. You will get guidance on how to overcome addictions and get key bible verses for overcoming addictions. If you would understand how to deal with addictions such as food additions, alcohol, drug, shopping, etc. then this course is for you. Please keep in mind that this course is faith based and all guidance are based on the bible.
This course can also help anyone who wants to overcome addictions biblically. This video provides biblical guidance to follow to stop addictive challenges. The points that are highlighted are very clearly explained for anyone at any level of their Christian faith to understand and follow.
This course will also help people who want to want to learn important principles from God's word to live victoriously. The points that are highlighted are very clearly explained for anyone at any level to understand and follow.
This course provides key tools and steps to follow to overcome addictions. A few important points:
1.The content for this course may be followed for addictions
2.All the tools and steps that are described in this course are biblically based.
3.An important note is that results for each student will depend on the commitment to the course principles. The duration and timeline for results may also vary for each students based on each student’s unique situation.