On various science-based university degree courses students must pass a unit/module/lecture course in the subject area of biochemistry. For example, in agriculture, biomedical science, medicine, pharmacy, plant biology, zoology and many other subjects the biochemistry teaching in the first year of study provides the basic understanding of the molecular aspects of biological systems required in more specialised lectures later in the degree course.
This Udemy course helps you to pass exams and tests in the biochemistry subject. Examples of multiple-choice, short answer and essay questions are covered with detailed explanations and addressing typical mistakes that students can make. The course is also suitable for biochemistry/molecular biology-major students, who want to pass their first-year biochemistry module. An introductory lecture provides detailed advice on how to pass exams/tests in general including tips to avoid the requirement for memorising equations. Ten video lectures and handouts in pdf-format cover the following topics in physical, structural and metabolic biochemistry:
Enzyme kinetics and general chemical kinetics
Protein Structure and enzymes
Citric acid cycle
Fatty acid oxidation and triglycerides
Oxidative phosphorylation
At the end you have the opportunity to participate in a final practice test.
As a prerequisite it is strongly recommended that you have participated in the teaching activities in your biochemistry unit/module/lecture course of your degree.