How to Quote for a Translation Job

For Freelance Translators or Project Managers

Ratings 4.49 / 5.00
How to Quote for a Translation Job

What You Will Learn!

  • Students will learn how to analyze a document for translation, and to use software, macros, and other easy strategies to quote accurately and fairly.
  • Translation project management and quoting for freelancers or project managers
  • How much to charge for unique kinds of translation projects
  • How much to charge clients for outsourced translation work


One of the challenges a freelance translator faces is knowing how much to quote for a translation job. What pricing unit is most transparent and most efficient to count? What kind of ballpark amount is the client expecting? What is the competition charging? And most important, how much should you be charging in order to properly compensate yourself for your time and effort, while meeting your financial goals? This course addresses all of these considerations and provides the tools you'll need to research and set effective rates. By the end of this course you'll be able to 1) perform quick word counts on a variety of different file types 2) know where to research the rates of your competition 3) calculate the rate you need to charge to meet your own goals 4) provide quotes for tricky languages such as Chinese and Arabic (in case you are a project manager or outsourcing) 5) provide quotes for proofreading, editing, and redline jobs, and more.

Who Should Attend!

  • Freelancer translators, translation project managers, or translation agency employees at all levels of experience.



  • Translation Business






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