How to request an NPI for Healthcare Professionals.

This course will assist you in requesting or editing an NPI number for all types of providers.

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How to request an NPI for Healthcare Professionals.

What You Will Learn!

  • Medical Clinic Admin, Healthcare Providers and Credentialers will learn how to request an NPI
  • It may take two or more hours for this training to watch.
  • When applying for NPI remember the HIPPA compliance.
  • Prepare all the required documents before completing the application.
  • Healthcare providers, admin, clerk. hospitals, credentialing.


All healthcare providers or professionals are required to have an NPI number. The NPI number or National Provider Identifier is needed for all healthcare professionals. If the providers do not have an NPI number, they cannot apply for Medicare, Medicare Advantage, Medicaid, Managed Care, Commercial Insurance, or any commercial healthcare insurance. This detailed training explains how to request an NPI for yourself if you are a healthcare provider. If you work for a clinic or a hospital, you will learn how to apply an NPI for another provider. You will also learn to request an NPI for an organization, a group, a clinic, or a practice location. This course will assist you in requesting or editing an NPI number for all types of providers. Suppose you work for any provider, medical clinic, or hospital. In that case, you are well aware that most providers do not know that they have an NPI number or that an NPI number is required to become a participating provider for any healthcare insurance. This course will assist you in explaining why the NPI is needed and why the provider should permit you to access their CMS profile. If you are a healthcare provider, this will give you an understanding of the two NPIs, type 1 and type 2.

Who Should Attend!

  • Healthcare professionals, anyone that works for the doctors, hospital, medical clinic or credentialing company.




