HTML for Beginners: How to Create Web Pages

Create simple web pages containing various text structures, tables, images, hyperlinks, and forms.

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HTML for Beginners: How to Create Web Pages

What You Will Learn!

  • Explore the concept of HTML.
  • Develop web pages that contain various text structures, tables, images, hyperlinks, and forms.
  • Identify, analyze, and fix errors on web pages using Browser Developer Tools.
  • Use Visual Studio Code (a code editor) for creating web pages.


The course "HTML for Beginners: How to Create Web Pages"  teaches you to create simple web pages from scratch.

During this course,

  • you will develop web pages that contain headings, paragraphs, lists, images, tables, hyperlinks, and forms;

  • you will use Browser Developer Tools for debugging web pages;

  • you will use Visual Studio Code [a code editor for creating applications].

It contains the following educational materials:

  • 16 video lessons [1hr 11min]. Each theoretical or practical lesson contains a short tutorial video. You should repeat the instructor's actions during practical lessons and solve tasks to practice new skills.

  • A task workbook is a workbook that contains educational tasks for each theoretical and practical lesson. After completing all workbook exercises, the workbook becomes a complete reference memo.

The features of this course are:

  • The IT course combines theory and practice to teach you not just to do but to do with understanding.

  • The IT course provides only essential information because we value your time.

  • Developers and educators have developed this IT course. Therefore, the information is presented in a simple and understandable form.

  • The educational materials are developed in English, but we are not native speakers, so we have added subtitles for each video lesson.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner Front-End developers




