HTML5 for Mobile Devices

Create Flexible HTML5 That Works on Mobile, Tablet and Desktop Devices

Ratings 4.39 / 5.00
HTML5 for Mobile Devices

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the dynamics of screen size
  • How to emulate screens with Google Chrome
  • How to use the viewport meta tag
  • How to hide and display content on mobile to optimize space
  • To make content adjustments for mobile screens
  • To make adjustments in multiple column layouts for small screens
  • How to use dynamic units to make font size adjustments
  • How to determine device location
  • How to display a map
  • How to get information about the local area from Google Places
  • How to use the jQuery Mobile page metaphor
  • How to create mobile buttons with jQuery Mobile
  • Using mobile icons with jQuery Mobile
  • Working with jQuery Mobile popups
  • Using toolbars in jQuery mobile
  • Applying navbars in jQuery Mobile
  • Installing the HammarJS library for gestures
  • Detecting tap and press gestures
  • Detecting swipe and pan gestures
  • Storing data on mobile devices
  • Storing session data on mobile
  • Using HTML5's localStorage object
  • Storing a Javascript object with state using serialization
  • Understanding the cache manifest
  • Adding the cache manifest to HTML
  • Managing the manifest for offline apps


We're living in a world of multiple screens. On a typical day, you might view the screen on your mobile device, your tablet, your television, and your desktop computer at work. Designing content that works on all-size screens and optimizing for mobile previously meant writing multiple versions of your application.

However, those days are over.

Today, with a good understanding of HTML you can write your code so that it works on every size screen while taking advantage of the unique environment afforded by mobile. This course will show you how.

It's no longer enough to write HTML5 that doesn't go everywhere customers do. Increasingly, your customers are more and more mobile and your HTML5 has to have the flexibility to be displayed on any screen and the features to take advantage of the mobile ecosystem.

The fact is that most websites are viewed more often on mobile devices than on traditional computer screens and if your site (and your HTML code) isn't prepared, you're going to lose site visitors and lose business!

This course is for you if you know a bit of HTML and are looking to expand your skills into the mobile realm. If you're a web designer or developer trying to expand your work beyond the desktop you're going to truly benefit from this excellent course.

Who Should Attend!

  • Developers and Designers moving to mobile
  • Teachers and students
  • HTML authors who want to have great looking content on any size screen
  • Graphic designers



  • HTML5






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