HRM Recruitment and Selection: Talent Acquisition Strategies

Unlock the successful talent acquisition through a recruitment strategies, selection techniques, ethical considerations

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HRM Recruitment and Selection: Talent Acquisition Strategies

What You Will Learn!

  • Understand the purpose and importance of recruitment in organizations.
  • Explore diverse sources of recruitment, including internal and external databases.
  • Learn about factors influencing the recruitment process and ethical considerations.
  • Differentiate between internal and external sources and their impact on hiring decisions.
  • Gain insights into the selection process and the factors governing it.
  • Dive into the details of the selection process, from initial steps to job offers.
  • Explore the intricacies of the interview process and common mistakes to avoid.
  • Examine the limitations and drawbacks of the selection process for comprehensive awareness.


Welcome to the dynamic and comprehensive course on "Recruitment and Selection." This course is designed to equip students with the essential knowledge and skills needed to navigate the intricacies of attracting, assessing, and hiring top talent for organizations. Through a series of engaging lectures, practical insights, and real-world case studies, participants will gain a profound understanding of the recruitment and selection processes, empowering them to make strategic decisions in the ever-evolving landscape of human resource management. Whether you're a seasoned HR professional or just starting your career journey, join us on this educational expedition to master the art and science of recruitment and selection. Let's embark on this transformative learning experience together!

Section 1: Introduction

In Section 1, participants embark on an exploration of the foundational principles of recruitment and selection. The initial lecture serves as a compass, introducing the multifaceted world of talent acquisition. Lecture 2, delving into the purpose of recruitment, elucidates the strategic importance of this process in aligning organizational objectives with human capital.

Section 2: Sources of Recruitment

Moving on to Section 2, participants dive into the various sources that organizations leverage to attract potential candidates. Lectures 3 and 4 shed light on the advantages and influencing factors of recruitment, fostering a nuanced understanding. Lecture 5 expands the canvas, surveying the diverse channels organizations tap into to build a robust talent pool.

Section 3: Internal and External Database

Section 3 unfolds the significance of internal databases in talent acquisition. Lectures 6 and 7 navigate through the intricacies of internal databases, while Lecture 8 explores the power of employee references as an invaluable internal source. This section intricately examines the synergy between internal and external data reservoirs.

Section 4: Factors and Ethics

In Section 4, the exploration deepens with a comparative analysis of internal and external sources in Lecture 12. The subsequent lectures (13 to 17) dissect the external and internal factors influencing the recruitment process, providing participants with a comprehensive view. Lecture 15 places a spotlight on the ethical dimensions, emphasizing the importance of principled recruitment practices.

Section 5: Selection Process

Section 5 navigates through the intricate landscape of the selection process. Lectures 20 and 21 unravel the various stages involved in selecting the right candidate, offering participants a systematic understanding of this crucial phase in talent management.

Section 6: Interview Process

The final section, Section 6, zooms in on the pivotal interview process. Lectures 22 to 27 meticulously examine selection tests, interview steps, common pitfalls, drawbacks, and the critical job offer stage. Through this detailed exploration, participants gain not only theoretical insights but also practical strategies to optimize the interview process and overcome its inherent limitations.

This comprehensive journey equips participants with a profound comprehension of recruitment and selection dynamics, preparing them to make informed decisions in the pursuit of acquiring and retaining top-tier talent.

Who Should Attend!

  • HR professionals and recruiters seeking to enhance their understanding of recruitment and selection.
  • Business owners and managers involved in the hiring process within their organizations.
  • Students and individuals interested in building foundational knowledge in human resource management.
  • Anyone looking to gain insights into the complexities and ethical considerations of recruitment and selection practices.



  • Human Resources






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