Hypertension: Prevention, Treatment & Management

The Complete Hypertension Guide

Ratings 4.45 / 5.00
Hypertension: Prevention, Treatment & Management

What You Will Learn!

  • Common elements almost everyone gets wrong about Hypertension
  • Why you may be the worst culprit for your Hypertension
  • The one action every person does to make their Hypertension worse
  • How you’re more powerful than your doctor in beating hypertension
  • How to live your healthiest life with hypertension


Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most common diseases among American populations. Currently, about 75 million American adults suffer from hypertension. This means that 1 in every 3 adults is affected by high blood pressure.

Unfortunately, despite the widespread effect and awareness, the cases of hypertension have doubled over the last 40 years, making courses like this more relevant and necessary now than ever before.

Learning the specifics of hypertension and how each decision you make impacts your overall health is important enough to dedicate time to learning about the details.

Let’s go through the overview to show you what we are going to cover in the span of the course:

Phase 1 of this course is designed to help you understand what hypertension is and how it can impact your life as a patient or as a family member. We will go over the symptoms of hypertension, how it is diagnosed and the conventional and alternative remedies that you can use to cope with this illness.

In Phase 2, We will talk about how you can live your life to the fullest by making the right lifestyle changes, like adjusting your diet and adding exercise in your daily routine. You will also get an overview of different technologies that might help you in managing hypertension.

Phase 3 Focuses on your emotional and social well-being by giving you motivation and pointers on how to manage stress. In addition, you will learn how to speak about your disease and communicate with your loved ones. We will also talk about the power of the mind and how you can start seeing better results throughout your life.

Phase 4 of this course is designed specifically for caregivers. This phase focuses on understanding a patient’s psychology and how you can provide physical and emotional support to the patient. We will also discuss some guidelines on how employers can facilitate their employees who have hypertension.

Now that we have an overview of the course, it’s time we begin our journey of understanding hypertension- Register Now.

Who Should Attend!

  • People with Hypertension
  • People Trying to Keep Keep Low Sodium Levels
  • People With High Blood Pressure



  • Blood Pressure






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