Ignite Your Inner Pilot Light and Life Purpose

Purposeful Development

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Ignite Your Inner Pilot Light and Life Purpose

What You Will Learn!

  • Purposeful Living - finding inner purpose and discovering how to live it.
  • Self Development - discovering the inner potential and how to develop it.
  • Career and Life Purpose - learning how to create your career from your purpose.
  • Personal Value - understanding that we all have value in this world and how to express it.
  • This course will help one grow as an individual, help one create new goals, and motivate the participant to find success.


Discovering your purpose is one of the most exciting adventures we can go on.  However, as we continue on our life's journey we may find our purpose is continually shifting.  This course takes us on a journey to find our purpose and ignite our inner pilot light, our passion.  The course has resources for you to utilize as well as we ask you to journal as we travel through this adventure. This course is meant to help you do self reflection and find your personal discoveries on what lies within you.  It is a journey that can help you find the missing piece of life you may be seeking.  Passion is simply an intense desire or enthusiasm for something.  How can you discover who you truly are?  We will simply help coach you through the process in this course.  This is designed to give you a foundation in order to continue your life, career and relationships with more purpose and passion.  You will be empowered to find self discovery and success as we simply relate our experiences and ideas with you.  The course is broken down into several sections to include: Development of Purpose, Flexibility and Change, Hobbies and Skills, Value Statement Development, Leadership Dimensions, Finding the Compass for living, and you creating that Final Summary. Can you challenge yourself?  With our approach our goal is to be that support system and motivator to help keep you from over analyzing life.  Will you take on this challenge?  Can you find 15 minutes a day to practice what you learn?  Life will continually throw curve balls at us.  We need to learn how to stand in the batter's box and swing away.  This course will be presented with simple, yet powerful messages.  Our goal is to help ALL who cross our path find true joy, peace and happiness in life and this is just one tool we have for you.  Do you feel the burn inside to make a change?  Do you ever wonder what if I had done this instead of that?  Your goal in this course is to drop expectations and allow yourself to be open to learning.  Stop judging yourself so harshly and begin to learn how to love who you are.  This course is meant to help you find you and use that inner pilot light to not only change your life, but to be a positive impact on others around you.  Relax, have fun and find the simplicity in life.

Who Should Attend!

  • Individuals seeking purpose in their lives
  • Individuals seeking career change
  • Individuals seeking a better understanding of their potential
  • Individuals seeking a way to discover more aspects about themselves



  • Life Purpose






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