Fundamentals of Image thresholding and masking

apply image thresholding effects like simple thresholding, inverse thresholding, Othsu's thresholding and adaptive thres

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Fundamentals of Image thresholding and masking

What You Will Learn!

  • Understanding of how images are processed as array of RGB pixel intensities
  • Learn basics of image thresholding
  • Leverage OpenCV and Python to perform thresholding to create effects like sketch and extract foreground and background objects
  • Learn effects like bilateral thresholding, gaussian blur, median blur and average blur


Course Description

Learn to process images by learning fundamentals of image thresholding using opencv and popular programming language Python.

Build a strong foundation in Image Processing with this tutorial for beginners.

  • Understanding of how images are processed as array of RGB pixel intensities

  • Learn basics of thresholding

  • Leverage OpenCV and Python to perform thresholding to create effects like sketch and extract foreground and background objects

  • User Jupyter Notebook for programming

  • Use step by step instructions along with plenty of examples

A Powerful Skill at Your Fingertips  Learning the fundamentals of image thresholding puts a powerful and very useful tool at your fingertips. Python, opencv and Jupyter are free, easy to learn, has excellent documentation.

Image thresholding is ubiquitous in everyday applications such as edge detection, advertisement image quality improvements. Its also pre-requisite for computer vision applications using machine learning.

Jobs in image processing area are plentiful, and being able to learn opencv and python will give you a strong edge.

Image thresholding tasks are becoming very popular. Amazon, Walmart, Google eCommerce websites are few famous example of image thresholding in action. Convolutional neural network (CNN) uses these techniques to find foreground and background objects.

Image processing tasks are vital in information retrieval and computer vision applications . 

Big advertising companies and Hollywood studios already using image thresholding in improving image quality.

Content and Overview  

This course teaches you on how to smooth images using opencv, python and Jupyter framework.  You will work along with me step by step to build following answers

  • Introduction to image thresholding

  • Learn how to apply thresholding  to image

  • Build an jupyter notebook step by step using opencv and python and learn effects like bilateral thresholding, gaussian blur, median blur and average blur.

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Learn fundamentals of image thresholding and build image thresholding tasks from professional trainer from your own desk.

  • Over 10 lectures teaching you how to perform image thresholding using opencv and python

  • Suitable for beginner programmers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown.

  • Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.

  • Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps.

  • Offers challenges to students to enable reinforcement of concepts. Also solutions are described to validate the challenges.

Who Should Attend!

  • Beginner python developers curious about image processing



  • Image Editing






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