STEP 2 - How & Why to Improve Digestion

There are Many Accumulating Consequences to Unhealthy Digestion

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STEP 2 - How & Why to Improve Digestion

What You Will Learn!

  • How Your Digestion Works – An Overview
  • Things that Harm Digestion
  • Immune Functions of the Digestive System
  • Digestive Microbiome Balance – Very Important Topic
  • Digestive Germs
  • Leaky Gut
  • Influence of Stress on Digestion
  • Stress Resilience Techniques for Preceding and Proceeding Meals, as well as in General
  • Heartburn: Antacids Bad - Stomach Acid Good
  • Stomach Ulcers
  • Constipation
  • Health Enhancing Anti-Constipation Techniques
  • Laxative Risks
  • Why Chewing Your Food More Improve Digestion, Especially for some Meals
  • Why Pureeing is More Complex Than You May Think
  • How Common Sugars Challenge Digestion in Multiple Ways, as well as Overall Health and Performance
  • Healthy Sugar Choices
  • Pros and Cons of Dairy
  • Food Sensitivities and Allergies
  • Blood Type, Genotype and Elimination Diets
  • Foods that Combine Well in a Meal, as well as Snacks
  • How to Structure a Daily Meal Plan Based on Biorhythms
  • Digestion Times of Type of Meals and How that Related to Snacking
  • How Movement & Inversions Improve Digestion
  • There is also a Helpful Products Lecture


Digestion is fundamental to overall mind-body health and performance.  Whether you have poor health and want to improve it, or have good health and want it even better, this course will teach you the most important techniques from my textbook on diet and lifestyle enhancement strategies.  You can learn more about the textbook and other credentials on my Instructor Profile Page.

Many people have health problems that have been caused or contributed to by unhealthy digestive practices.  Over time, these things have an accumulative effect, resulting in digestive discomforts becoming more aggerated.  It is not too big of a deal if you have digestive discomfort a few times a month, but if it is more than this, especially a few times a week or an everyday thing, it is important to learn how to prevent them from happening!  Weak digestion creates malnutrition of some harder to absorb nutrients, and can even transform some nutrients into toxins.  The more often these things happen, the harder it becomes for your body to maintain health.

Better digestive practices can help heal and make you resilient to these problems; MANY studies confirm this!  There are several reasons for this that you will learn about in this course.  Even more importantly, you will learn how to use these techniques to make life easier for your digestion system, and you in general.  Believe it!  The health of your digestive tract has been fundamentally linked to overall mind-body health and performance in countless studies.  Better digestion gives you a larger spectrum and abundance of nutrients at a fraction of the effort which benefits your entire being.  You will also develop a stronger Microbiome which serves in immunity, mental health, and overall digestion.

Most of these techniques have been scientifically studied in depth.  A few others have lots of anecdotal support, but less research money has been given to examine them scientifically so far.  Remember, I have written a comprehensive textbook.  The information I am sharing with you is solid, especially when compared to many online articles.

In the last Lecture, you will get a Summary and a Summary Poster to help you remember and utilize what you have learned.

There is also a Lecture that teaches you about several Helpful Products to make the benefits of the course easier to experience.  If digestive health has become very low, some of these products can do miracles!

The goals of STEP 2 synergize with proper hydration and minimal exercise as discussed in STEP 1. If you have not already started applying the techniques of STEP 1, please do so to get the most out of STEP 2.

See you inside the Course!

Who Should Attend!

  • Do You Experience Digestive Discomforts or Gas?
  • Do You Want to Have More Digestive Comfort?
  • Do You Experience Lasting Fatigue, Brain Fog or Other Mental Health challenges?
  • Do You Want More Vitality After a Meal or in General?
  • Do you simply want to feel more mind-body vitality and strength?



  • Digestion
  • Health
  • Mental Health






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