Improving Communication & Listening Skills in Healthcare

Healthcare communication skills Listening skills, Effective communication, training for healthcare professionals

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Improving Communication & Listening Skills in Healthcare

What You Will Learn!

  • • Better patient outcomes
  • • Improved communication
  • • Accurate diagnosis
  • • Patient-centered care


As a doctor or nurse, effective communication is an essential aspect of your role in providing quality patient care. One crucial aspect of communication that is often overlooked is listening. Improving your listening skills can help you better understand your patients, build trust, and develop better relationships. In this module, we'll discuss some practical tips for improving your listening skills.

This particular course has been designed for healthcare professionals such as doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, osteopaths, chiropractors, psychologists, physiotherapists, and others. The program focuses on providing specialized training courses in Probity and Ethics to these professionals. Clinicians attend these courses either for professional development or for appraisal/re-validation purposes, or if they are facing any investigation or proceedings with regulatory bodies such as the GMC, GDC, NMC, GPhC, GOSC, GCC, MPTS, or any other.

The courses are conducted by experienced facilitators using latest ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TECHNOLOGY who have worked in both the NHS and private healthcare sectors. The facilitators are well-versed with the processes of GMC investigations and the MPTS, which helps build insight, reflection, and remediation if clinicians are facing any complaints or investigations in their respective departments or with regulatory bodies.

The course aims to enhance the knowledge and understanding of probity and ethics, as well as the professional and ethical standards expected from healthcare professionals. It also helps clinicians learn what to do in case of a breach and avoid situations of misconduct and fitness to practice.

Moreover, the organisation also arranges face-to-face (via video-link) courses on a personal basis. The topics covered in the courses include Probity, Ethics, and Professionalism, the standards of which are expected from healthcare professionals by regulatory bodies such as GMC, GDC, NMC, or HCPC. The course content also highlights the importance of ethics, probity, and professionalism in healthcare practice and includes case examples of healthcare professionals who have had cases with their respective professional bodies, which provide valuable lessons to learn from.

Finally, the course delivery is focused on clinicians who are facing any investigation, hearing, or case in their departments or with regulators such as GMC, GDC, NMC, HCPC, or other healthcare regulatory bodies. The aim is to ensure that clinicians are meeting the expectations of regulatory bodies, avoid situations of misconduct, and demonstrate that any similar mistake or misconduct will not be repeated in the future.

Who Should Attend!

  • Doctor
  • Nurse
  • Healthcare professionals




